May was a very busy month for me and June is proving to be equally so. My garden is doing very well and keeping me plenty busy, so no complaints there. Also, the animals keep us hopping, with the pigs needing new pasture, the rabbits having babies, continuing to incubate eggs, and even our cat now expecting. Finally, the kids are out of school and … Continue reading the story "a Moral consideration"
Post Archives from the ‘Goals’ Category
The other day at a child’s birthday party a friend offered rides on his motorcycle to some of us moms. Many of us realized that it had been a long while since we had been the cute young girls that the bad boy was taking on his bike, so we were all in!
A really enjoyable experience, all on its own, but I found myself seeing … Continue reading the story "Riding"
Spring critters
Things are greening, I've been planting, the windows are open, and there are more animal calls to be heard-it is definitively Spring.
I could not let my one surviving chick from my first attempt at incubation grow up alone, so my youngest and I drove over to … Continue reading the story "Spring critters"
I feel an update is necessary on this issue; my first attempt at incubation did not go well.
We started the incubator with 21 eggs arbitrarily chosen (mostly by my almost 4 year old) from all of my hens. I had purchased a Styrofoam incubator from my local Tractor Supply, because the "plans" for the homemade model began to get complicated and were not getting implemented. … Continue reading the story "Incubation"
Is it time to expand?
Frugal February went off without a hitch. We ate up a bunch of stored stuff, finished some projects that were in a state of near completion, and began plans to meet more of the goals on our way to sustainable homesteading.
Some things were not as great. I had a massive failure of the garden seedlings I had started in January; nearly 50 plants lost in … Continue reading the story "Is it time to expand?"
Planning for Chicks
We have 15 chickens right now in our flock. I have a variety of breeds, most bought at my local feed store. I have 2 Australorpes, a Buff Orpington, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Americanas, 2 Barred Rocks, and 5 Freedom Rangers including my 2 roosters. The Rhodies, Rocks and Rangers were bought because they are considered to be dual purpose birds (meaning they provide … Continue reading the story "Planning for Chicks"
New Year, Fresh Ideas
The holidays are past and it is time for me to get back to work.
We had a very busy holiday season. Our home was invaded by loved ones. For Thanksgiving six of our family members came for ten days and another four for just the weekend. We also had several friends over for the day, bringing the total of people who ate here to 32, … Continue reading the story "New Year, Fresh Ideas"
Another Critter
It seems there is some force in the universe that knows we are trying to do this farming thing. Not to say we are all that well prepared for it, but it is the end goal of our property. Part of farming, in my mind, is critters. We want several kinds; goats, horses, rabbits, turkey, etc. to go along with the chickens and ducks we … Continue reading the story "Another Critter"
Considering where we are in homesteading…
My life is very home-centered. I have been a stay at home mom since 2007, with the birth of our second daughter, and that time has brought my attention to minute details of what comes into and what leaves my home. Always concerned with health and environmental issues, I became obsessed with making certain that only the best came into my home and that I … Continue reading the story "Considering where we are in homesteading…"