Monthly Archives for February, 2019

House hunting can begin

Posted on: February 25th, 2019 by
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I am happy to share that we have accepted an offer on our homestead. Hooray!!!

Now begins some serious work; there are repairs that have been requested that must be completed, there are boxes to be packed, but most importantly we need to get serious about finding our new place.

For our family that Continue reading the story "House hunting can begin"

Goldilock farm

Posted on: February 19th, 2019 by
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Sitting waiting for my homestead to sell has given me far too much time to think.  I think about the animals we have had and the animals we would like to have.  I consider types of fencing we have used and what we may use in a new location.  I look at dozens of houses online and wonder if any of them will be where Continue reading the story "Goldilock farm"