Monthly Archives for February, 2014

Planning for Chicks

Posted on: February 6th, 2014 by

We have 15 chickens right now in our flock.  I have a variety of breeds, most bought at my local feed store.  I have 2 Australorpes, a Buff Orpington, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Americanas, 2 Barred Rocks, and 5 Freedom Rangers including my 2 roosters.  The Rhodies, Rocks and Rangers were bought because they are considered to be dual purpose birds (meaning they provide Continue reading the story "Planning for Chicks"

Frugal February

Posted on: February 3rd, 2014 by

A little more than a week ago my family and I began our (second) annual Frugal February practices. If you have not heard of Frugal February I will give my explanation, which maybe different than others.  I was introduced to this concept in December of 2012 via an online article.  Essentially the author purported the practice of spending the month of February eating up the things Continue reading the story "Frugal February"