Monthly Archives for March, 2014


Posted on: March 24th, 2014 by

I feel an update is necessary on this issue; my first attempt at incubation did not go well. We started the incubator with 21 eggs arbitrarily chosen (mostly by my almost 4 year old) from all of my hens.  I had purchased a Styrofoam incubator from my local Tractor Supply, because the "plans" for the homemade model began to get complicated and were not getting implemented.  Continue reading the story "Incubation"

Is it time to expand?

Posted on: March 4th, 2014 by

Frugal February went off without a hitch.  We ate up a bunch of stored stuff, finished some projects that were in a state of near completion, and began plans to meet more of the goals on our way to sustainable homesteading. Some things were not as great.  I had a massive failure of the garden seedlings I had started in January; nearly 50 plants lost in Continue reading the story "Is it time to expand?"